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10 ago 2015

Mexico vs Thailand (Funerals)


So, since a lot of the people that read me are either Thai or from other parts of the world, that are interested in my experience and the intercultural differences between countries ( and of couse funny mistakes or things that happen to me on the way ), I will  have a section called Mexico vs Thailand in witch I will share my experiences and...¡Hope you enjoy it!

Recently I had the opportunity to assist to a Thai funeral with my family (it was a little  confusing, since  for some reason I thought we were headed to a party, my bad). I got dressed as I thought about how  awkward it was that black/white were the formal colours of the "party". On our way to Chiang Mai the truth finally revealed herself and I found out what was going on. We arrive somewhat late to our event but amazingly, nobody seemed to notice.

I should warn you since now, that my experiece with funerals in Mexico are not very extense, but one thing is unalterable : suffering. Dramatic, passionate and tangible pain. Since the moment you step inside the church (yes, most funerals are held this way), you can literally feel the sadness in the air that could only  be cut with a your mothers deadliest kitchen knife. Everyone wears black and has to wait until the mass is over. Afterwords we take the coffin with the body to the cementery and witness how its burried trying not to to let a tear slip. We leave flowers at the grave and often pay visitis to our deads .

On the other hand, Thailand has a peculiar atmosphere  in the funerals (or at least in this especific one). The pain didnt hit you in the face like a frozen breeze, it was something more subtle. The people are inmerse in their little  chat with their friends and family, not laughing but with a  pretty laid back actitude. I didnt see anybody crying, but  seeing the pictures of the young man I coudnt help beeing moved by the hole picture. I endend up in tears, thing that  I blame fully on my dramatic latin hearth.

 Thai people have a totally differnt perspective of life and death, and personally, I find their way of thinking to be incredibly less painfull and dramatic than in other countries. But, in the end, who can blame us for revealing the hiddend characteristic of our culture?

7 ago 2015

Carta de amor a las vacaciones

Te extrañaré a ti a tus madrugadas. Las películas a las 8 y los escritos a la 1. Te acoplas a la niebla de esas sábanas a medio hacer. Me descubro en ti. Que si mi inspiración brota a partir de las 12 de alguna noche perdida o si me encuentro degustando una mañana a las 12 del mismo día un poco más tarde. La luz a través de las hojas que me hacen saborear un nuevo tono de verde. Las páginas a montones o las horas prohibidas en la rutina diaria.
Me robas el sueño querida, no puedo dormir antes de las 10:14 pero me regalas incontables horas para recuperarme.
Te tuve como amor de verano y me regalaste el sabor de tus besos como minutos. Tu mejor caricia fue el tiempo. El ocio es una aventura en tus crepúsculos y albas. Me tienes desde el primer segundo del día hasta el último instante de la noche.
Te asomas a unos pasos del olvido y me resisto a la tentativa de dejarte ir.
Me despido contando las horas para volver a verte.
Con cariño... Ivana.