Entradas populares

30 nov 2015

Mexico vs Thailand (Respect, hierarchy and success)

So, on this articule, if it deserves to be called so, I intend to explain respect, heriarchy and succes  trought the eyes of two cultures. The simplest way to describe the diference between Mexico and Thailand (or West and East, if we look a the bigger picture), is by seeing how each culture defines it and how it is earned . In the East, hierachy and in the West, equality. In East, the respect hierarchy, that is obtained due to the age, position or education,  is inherent. Meanwhile in the West respect is earned and is obtained with personality and personal skills. However, in mexican culture in specific, we can observe visible similarities with the Eastern culture concerning respect and heriarchy.
Based on my experience, I can say that cultural diferences can be noticed on many levels.
For example, when I first arrived to Thailand I tought I was experiencing the strongest cultural shock in the year and that it would pass as the months went by. And indeed, after a couple months, I seemed  to have settled down quite fine. However, the moths passed, I started to experience a deeper, more subtle cultural shock. I began to truly soak myself in the way of thinking and behaving of Thais. I discovered the contrasts and and quibbling of their actions, and for the first time realized every thing is different, from our subjects at school and our matters to our perception of success.
Since I was a little, I have travelled around the world with my family. For one reason or for another we tended to go to more to the Europe and America.This being said, you can understand why I am so very familiar with the Western culture and and partially ignorant on the  Eastern. Every country from the West had a very big thing in common: their individualism.
Attending school in Thailand I, very curiosly, observerd the way  all of my friends helped me complete every task, and their duty towars other  and was highly regarded. It was not until months later I would understand that this was the fruit of the seed of the education in Thailand, that teaches that success is something to be mesured collectively.
To sum up, all of this helped me understand  that we tend to see only the surface of a person, or a culture, without kowing underneath that costume of skin and steotypes,  is a hole different and wonderfull world. Give yourself the chance to explore the worlds inside peoples minds  and cultures.

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